Demo & Replace Driveways

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Traditional asphalt pavement is no longer the go-to material for driveway resurfacing. Unlike denser concrete pours, asphalt is susceptible to fragmenting and cracking under severe weathering. Heavy vehicles and equipment will also strain composite materials that will need resurfacing and patching only after a few years. Concrete paving and pouring offer several unique advantages over asphalt. If poured or paved correctly, concrete driveways will last up to 40 years before needing replacement. Because pavement is comprised of irregular shaped rocks, some of the larger particles won’t bind together with the aggregate material and asphalt, resulting in cracks and fissures after a few years of weathering. Air pockets due to less-than-optimal compaction can cause pavement to deteriorate at a quicker rate. Paving also puts a far greater strain on the environment. 

If you are looking to replace your existing gravel or asphalt driveways with concrete, we can easily accommodate your project. First, our diligent crews can break-up and remove the previous material before excavation and concrete installation. We make sure all debris from the demolition phase of the project is removed before we begin paving the new concrete. We can also install concrete driveways for newly built homes or residences still under construction, with minimal disturbance to ongoing work on other parts of the home. 
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